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The Prize draw


Hello, Its me again! This week I wanted to draw your attention to the fantastic prize draw we have set up here at that will give one person the [...]

The Prize draw2014-03-15T15:23:22+00:00

foreign nationals


Hello Welcome back to another edition, this week following the launch of Prison Phones latest international price plans I wanted to blog about the growing number of foreign nationals behind [...]

foreign nationals2014-03-08T18:24:47+00:00

Chemical castration


Hello! Welcome back to my blog giving MY personal opinion on all things prison and law related in my words on the stories seen through my eyes. As the title suggests [...]

Chemical castration2014-02-23T15:08:35+00:00

The latest video!


HELLO!! If you don't already know.... WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN! I have made a short video describing just what it is we do at (excuse the music :/) Basically [...]

The latest video!2014-02-09T13:15:13+00:00

Children of prisoners


Its often forgotten by the public or even the prison service that prisoners are people too! They are often Men/Women with family and children that have to take the punishment [...]

Children of prisoners2014-01-16T19:56:05+00:00

The Cost of Prison


Well as the title of this blog post suggests I just wanted to ask the question "what is the cost of prison" This question has multiple answers I'm sure you'll [...]

The Cost of Prison2014-01-08T16:39:28+00:00

Our first ever blog


This is the first ever blog I have done so forgive me if we start to bore you to death! As this is the first blog I just wanted to introduce myself and [...]

Our first ever blog2013-10-29T21:16:14+00:00
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